
New Age Media by Bhavleen Kaur Sethi

The term "new age media" refers to communication technologies that facilitate or improve user-to-user and user-to-content engagement. The term "new age media" started to be often used in the middle of the 1990s to promote the influx of interactive CD-ROMs for entertainment and education. New media, also referred to as multimedia or digital media, relies on digital means of communication. A variety of web-related communication tools, such as blogs, wikis, online social networking, virtual worlds, and other social media platforms, are included in the new media technologies, also referred to as Web 2.0. 

Computing media that distribute content online and through computers are referred to as "new media." New media stimulate fresh perspectives on legacy media. Media do not replace one another in a clear, linear succession; rather, they develop in a more intricate network of interwoven feedback loops. The way new media explicitly refashion conventional media and how older media refashion themselves to meet the difficulties of new media are what makes them unique. Broadcast television programmes, feature films, magazines, and books are not regarded as new media unless they contain technologies that allow for digital generative or interactive processes.

Examples of New Age Media: 

  • Websites: Businesses began going online one by one as soon as the internet was invented to interact with potential customers. For exposure, business owners no longer required the Yellow Pages or ad positions. Direct co-consumer communication was possible. Furthermore, users had the option of posting feedback and queries directly on the website.

  • Blogs: Blogs are private websites where individuals can write about their lives and ideas on a range of subjects. Anyone can now reach a worldwide audience with their writing. Over the years, a lot of blogs, like "mommy blogs" and "travel blogs," went viral and gained a plethora of followers.

  • Email: Email digitised information exchange and made written contact between individuals and organisations possible more quickly than ever.

  • Social Media Platforms: Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and MySpace are examples of social media. With the use of social media, we can keep in touch with people from our past while also sharing our lives and opinions with our friends and family.

  • Video Sharing Platforms: YouTube is the most popular video sharing website. People can upload their own videos to this platform as well as like, share, and comment on the videos of others. Without having to work for a television corporation, YouTubers can develop fan bases and establish themselves as online personalities.

  • Online Newspapers: Online newspapers are a step up from traditional newspapers. When new information becomes available, online newspapers can be updated, and readers can comment on the stories to provide the newspaper firms with immediate feedback.

  • Online Forums: Quora and Reddit are popular online discussion boards. These are places where those looking for information can post questions. After the questions are posted, anyone else on the site is free to answer them and contribute their own ideas. 'Hive minds' are being used by users of these new mediums.

  • Wikis: Wikis are open online information repositories that anybody may help to populate with information. Wikipedia is without a doubt the most well-known, but it's not the only one. The largest knowledge banks in the world are being built using these often updated databases and the internet's hive mind.

  • Podcasts: One of the most common forms of new age media is the podcast. Podcasting, which debuted in 2005, is radio in the modern day. Podcasts (stories, conversations, interviews, etc.) are recorded by people and posted online for anybody to download and stream at their leisure. Once more, it's clear that the main goal of new media is to give people new opportunities for information production and dissemination. These media rely heavily on RSS feed technology, which automatically delivers new podcast episodes to subscribers' devices.

  • Vlogs: Vlogs are blogs with videos too. People create their own personal updates about their life, travels, or thoughts and upload them to websites that host online video sharing. Vloggers use a variety of platforms, including Facebook Stories, Instagram, SnapChat, and YouTube.

  • Webinars: People can educate online using webinars. Through the internet, you can present material, share slides, invite speakers, and field questions from the audience. Digital seminar-style teachings may be shared, created, and consumed, which is what gives this media its "newness."

Characteristics of New Age Media: 

New media are virtual, simulated, networked, interactive, digital, and hyper-textual. Social media networks are an illustration of new media, which includes digital, interactive, hyper-textual, globally networked, virtual, and occasionally simulation-based content. These six fundamental traits set new media apart from traditional media:

Digital: Since the development of digital technology in the 1990s, binary code has become the primary standard for information conversion, storage, and transmission (a series of 1s and 0s.). Today, qualitative information has been "digitalised." 

          Digitalisation is what enables the storage of such a large amount of data on small hard drives or micro memory cards, as well as the nearly immediate transfer of data over cable and satellite. 

           Digitalisation has also led to "technological convergence," or the combining of text, audio, and visual information into a single "system." Most websites today offer a combination of text and audio-visual information, and our mobile devices enable us to carry out a number of tasks, including searching for information, sending messages, shopping, and using GPS functions. 

          Digital's opposite is analogue. Examples of it being saved in physical form include printed newspapers, recordings, and tapes containing old movies and television shows.

Interactivity: The audience on the receiving end of broadcasts could typically only do so much more than passively consume media content, making old media very much a "one way" affair. 

          The interaction between users and consumers is considerably more two-way with new media, though. Compared to traditional media, it is a lot more of a two-way medium. 

         Simple behaviours like liking a Facebook post or commenting on a blog post or news article demonstrate increased interaction. However, other people become considerably more active and become "prosumers," actively creating their own blogs, movies, and content. 

          The roles between the consumer and producer of media material appear to have blurred as a result of new media, encouraging a more active culture.

Hyper-textual: Hypertext, sometimes known as "links," is a characteristic of new media that gives consumers more control over how they browse the various information sources at their command. 

       Technically speaking, links in websites provide non-sequential linkages between all types of computer-facilitated data. 

        Optimists frequently believe that this feature will enable users to lead more unique lifestyles, act with greater independence, and take advantage of the chances presented by new media marketplaces.

Global Networks: Cultural globalisation has also been facilitated by digital media; rather than interacting locally, we now do so much more worldwide and through virtual networks of individuals. 

        By allowing us to pool our resources much more easily and to access a larger variety of skills and information sources (depending on our needs), these networks enable an increase in "collective intelligence." 

Virtual Worlds: New Media presents to us a very different reality from face to face to ‘lived reality’ – for most of us this means a very fast paced flow of information with numerous products and people screaming for our attention.

       However, this circumstance has only occurred since the middle of the 2000s, and it is important to keep in mind that New Media reality is virtual reality. 

       This is particularly true when it comes to social media platforms where users can present themselves in any way they see fit. 


The World Wide Web and the Internet: A network of networks links computers together to form the worldwide computer network known as the Internet. Your computer has access to all data saved on other computers via the Internet. Among the services offered on the Internet are file transfers, e-mail, Telnet, Gopher, and the World Wide Web. 

Computer Games: Games that are played on a computer rather than a gaming console or an arcade machine are referred to as computer games. On a PDP-1 computer designed for statistical calculations, MIT students developed the first computer game, Spacewar, in 1961. At first, the games were text adventures or interactive fiction that required keyboard input from the participants. Computers were previously restricted to academic or research use. The public began using computational technology more frequently as a result of the success of computer games, which made computers more desirable to consumers.

DVD and CD ROM: A DVD, often called a Digital Video Disc, is a tool for storing both video and data. While CDs and Compact Discs have the same function, they have different amounts of capacity. A DVD can store six times as much data as a CD. DVDs and CDs are the most popular media in use today for storing data contents. Sharing and transmitting data has been considerably simpler and less labor-intensive since the development of CDs and DVDs.

Digital Cameras: Digital cameras use an electronic image sensor to capture still and moving images. In 1988, the Fuji DS-IP was the first real digital camera, capturing images as computer files, but it took another two years for the first digital camera to be made widely accessible for purchase. The equipment in question was the Dycam Model 1 Because they make it simple to record, store, and transport photographs and videos, digicams are a well-liked form of new media technology. As was the case with analogue cameras, there is no longer a need to develop negatives or wait hours to see a specific image. From a camera to a computer and then to other computers, images can be shared.

Cell Phones: Cell phones are wireless, long-distance voice communication devices. Only with the aid of specialised base stations can mobile or wireless phones communicate over a certain network region. Over the past century, a number of scientists have laboured to create what we now refer to as the mobile phone, but Martin Cooper, a Motorola researcher, is credited with creating the first useful mobile phone. He placed the first call to a Bell Labs rival on April 3, 1973. Technology improvements have made mobile phones the most popular platform for new media. They help in speaking, sending texts and pictures, taking photos, using the Internet, listening to music, and playing video games. They represent the perfect synthesis of all new media technologies.

New Media As Tool of Social Change:

The history of social movement media is long and storied and it has undergone fast development as new media have gained popularity. The first significant movement to employ new media for organising and communicating was the Zapatista Army of National Liberation in Chiapas, Mexico, in 1994. Since then, social movements have made great use of new media to organise themselves, spread their artistic output, communicate, forge alliances, and more. Another important milestone in the application of new media as a vehicle for social change was the 1999 WTO Ministerial Conference protest activities. Media was utilised during the WTO demonstrations as an alternative media source, as well as to connect with and inform participants and plan the first action. In her commitment to anti-oppressive feminist work, Chanelle Adams, a feminist blogger for the Bi-Weekly webpaper The Media, claims that it "seems compulsory for her to be in the know just to remain relevant to the struggle." New media has a critical role in enabling individuals to instantly access information about a movement, which is essential for Adams and other feminists who work to promote their messages to the public.

Less extreme social movements like the Free Hugs Campaign have also benefited from the usage of new media. Using websites, blogs, and online videos to show the movement's own effectiveness. Along with this illustration, the use of blogs with a large readership has helped a variety of viewpoints and behaviours become more prevalent and get greater public notice. Another illustration is the continuing Free Tibet Campaign, which has been featured on many websites and has a tenuous connection to the band Gorillaz in their Gorillaz Bitez clip, which shows the main singer 2D sitting among demonstrators at a Free Tibet protest. Fashion trends and the creation of subcultures like textspeak, cyberpunk, and other ones are two further examples of how new media is causing social change.

New Media also paves the path for "trendy" societal transformation by adopting fashion and textspeak trends. A current illustration of this is the Ice Bucket Challenge. Participants are nominated by friends via social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to pour a bucket of cold water on themselves or give to the ALS Foundation in an effort to raise money for ALS (the fatal neurodegenerative ailment popularly known as Lou Gehrig's disease). Through Facebook's tagging feature, which enables nominees to be tagged in posts, this became a very popular fad. More individuals saw the videos, and the movement quickly gained traction. This pattern increased donations by 3,500% and helped raise over $100 million for the cause.

Career in New Age Media: 

The media sector is huge and includes a variety of jobs that depend on abilities in writing, speaking, coding, graphic design, and other areas. Social media manager, public relations expert, and marketing executive are a few common career paths for someone with a degree in new media. Numerous positions held by new media specialists are tracked by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), including:

Social Media Specialist: Social media professionals are experts at using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to represent a business or brand in the public sphere. They produce stuff, publish it, and interact with customers. 

           The majority of social media experts hold a bachelor's degree in social media marketing or a closely connected field, and they are knowledgeable about the many social media platforms and best practises. Glassdoor reports that the median pay for social media professionals in 2022 was $47,625.

Public Relations Specialists: Public relations professionals assist in preserving and enhancing a company's public reputation and image, but they typically do it by interacting directly with the media, using press releases, and taking other actions. They could also be in charge of speeches delivered by company executives as well as other forms of corporate communication. 

          A public relations degree is often required, as well as training in a related subject like journalism, communications, English, or business. They heavily rely on their communication, organising, and people abilities. 

        The median pay for public relations specialists was $62,800 in 2021, and the BLS predicts 8% growth in the profession through 2031.

Graphic Designers: To promote goods and services and convey stories, graphic designers are responsible for using computer tools to produce visual pictures. In order to communicate effectively through a website, brochure, magazine, or advertisement, you would work with images and text and decide how they complement one another, according to BLS. 

        A degree in graphic design or a similar subject is often required to become a graphic designer. According to the BLS, the field of graphic designers is anticipated to rise by 3% until 2031, with a median pay of $50,710 in 2021.

Editor: All forms of publishing, including many that are now supplied to readers and viewers digitally, require editors to examine, fix, and improve the text. As an editor, you can also be in charge of establishing content and content strategy, overseeing authors and helping them improve their writing, and making sure all content complies with the editorial standards and publication style. 

          Editors typically start their careers as writers or editing assistants and typically require a bachelor's degree; these degrees are frequently in communications, journalism, or English. According to the BLS, the median compensation for editors in 2021 was $63,350.

Content Marketing Specialists: Media material for digital marketing campaigns is planned, created, and managed by content marketing specialists. Marketing managers made between $74,620 and $208,000 per year in May 2020, according to the BLS. 

          Typically, a bachelor's degree in journalism or advertising is needed. The BLS predicts a 10% increase in employment for marketing managers between 2020 and 2030.

Evolution of Media: 

There have been significant developments in the creation and sharing of media throughout history. The printing press was created in the 15th century, which resulted in the mass publication of books and a rise in literacy rates. Early in the 20th century, the invention of the radio ushered in a new era of mass-market communication. And in the middle of the 20th century, television began to take off, resulting in yet another media revolution.

         The development of the Internet in the latter half of the 20th century sparked a new phase in media development. It provided people with the chance to communicate with one another in new ways by utilising an entirely new set of tools, including social media, blogs, and email. Following the development of social media, people have had easy accessibility to one another and the ability to share knowledge throughout the past few decades.

Media and Society: 

The media has a big impact on society in many different ways. The media is referred to as society's "mirror," and in many respects, it reflects current events in the form of news, data, nonfiction, and other forms of media. 

        However, new media has an even greater influence on society because many social media platforms are increasingly used for campaigns, advertisements, and marketing. It influences how we interpret the world and draw conclusions from it. New media's influence has fostered a variety of professions, propaganda, and even goodwill.

Traditional Media v/s New Age Media: 

The method of production: While new media is frequently created by solitary individuals or small groups, traditional media is typically created by huge media corporations. 

The mode it is consumed: New media is frequently consumed actively, whereas traditional media is typically consumed passively. 

Distribution: While new media is frequently distributed online, traditional media is typically distributed through channels like television and radio. 

Access: While new media is frequently accessed through digital channels, traditional media is primarily accessed through broadcast or print.

Today, the world of media is largely defined by online channels. Technology has merely evolved into the simplest means to interact and communicate with the rest of the world as it has become more sophisticated over time and even more integrated in our daily lives. That's not to suggest traditional media isn't still vital; it unquestionably has its place. The way we consume media, however, has changed and will continue to change as new technologies are created.

          The advantages of new media include easier distribution and lower production costs. Since everyone with an Internet connection may access it, it is also more widely available. Due of its emphasis on involvement and engagement, new media is frequently more captivating than traditional media. Since anybody can create and distribute new media, it is occasionally thought to be less trustworthy than traditional media.

           The future of the media industry is impossible to foresee with any degree of accuracy. But one thing is certain: it will keep changing as new technologies and communication methods emerge. Therefore, being adaptable and embracing new technologies as they emerge is the greatest way to stay ahead of the curve.



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